I am a student and a father. It just continues!

There’s a literary magazine that I enjoy occasionally called The Believer. At the beginning of articles they have a short paragraph or a few lines displayed thusly: Discussed: and then key words or phrases are listed. An example from Steve Silberman’s piece in the Aug./Sept. issue about Bill Evans and the song Nardis partly goes as follows: Discussed: “Reeves Sound Studios, A Musical Vacuum, The Mind That Thinks Jazz, Collective Sympathy,...” I’m going to try and follow that practice on the blog, so that readers can catch something of the content before plunging in. So here goes: Discussed in this post: United Bicycle Institute, Cognitive Grooves, Morning Pages, A Son Has A Party Ashland, Oregon: I attended the week-long course Introduction to Bicycle Maintenance . It’s really interesting what happens when I am in a learning environment. I get anxious and my cognition gets into a groove resonating with the idea of poor performance, or something l...