Three Chords and the Truth, a new album by Van Morrison

Well, this computer is busting my balls right now, in Word, it keeps going back to “File” when I want it to stay at Home (hello!). Drat, I hate that, computer doing stuff against my will. My failure to wrest control just stokes my feelings of inadequacy, which I wasn’t going to mention. I’ll press on: a couple days ago, I stumbled upon a new (released September, 2019) Van Morrison record, Three Chords and the Truth . It wasn’t long into the first song that I perked up, enjoying the rest of the song and in anticipation of the next (this is really good stuff!) And as it turns out, the entire record is stunning. The Belfast Cowboy, Van the Man, is very much still at work. From Jason P. Woodbury’s Pitchfork review : “Though he sticks closely to the conservative R&B, blues, and jazz modes that have defined his ’00s discography, the LP’s 14 songs showcase his determination to wring profundity out of even the most common language. Songwriter Harl...