A bike trip in Alabama and Georgia

Carol and I said yes when Tim and Maggie asked us to join them on an outing. They are avid adventure cyclists whom we met at the Saturday NOLA oldster social riders. They have biked across the country, dipping the rear tire in the Pacific in San Diego and the front tire in the Atlantic at St. Augustine in northern Florida. Not ones to eschew support, they had a full sag for the continent spanning ride, and their plan for our ride included car shuttles. For our end to end ride of the combined Chief Ladiga and Silver Comet trails, here are the totals: 1. Round trip to drive to the trail and back from NOLA: 1000 miles. 2. Shuttling cars so that we did not do any out-and-back riding: 200 miles. 3. Biking the trail from Anniston Alabama to Smyrna Georgia: 94 miles. 4. McDonald’s Fish Sandwiches consumed (gro...