Maybe This Will be Fun to Read

Discussed : sloth and torpor, things we do, survival, Koalas I always strive to make what I write tasty, at least aromatic, in that there is something about it that draws one in. Curiosity is what I am counting on, in the sense that I actually hope this gets read and that it offers something. How can I describe what happens to allow this blog space to be empty for over 4 months? There are excuses that have something to do with everyday activities and responsibilities, but they turn out to be pretty lame excuses when you dig a bit deeper. I've put "writing" on my identity resume as a thing I do, so to actually not do it creates anxiety. Amazing to think that at a radical (real) level, this is simply a manifestation of my innate laziness. Amazing, I AM Lazy!! Instead of writing, I worry about not having written. Instead of writing, I wonder about what to write. That's uncomfortably accurate. And yet...this awareness is an opportunity t...