Am I keeping too busy?

Carol and I are back at the Lodge, doing minor repairs and I for one am trying to craft my travel buzz. I notice that with long retirement days, I have an index of accomplishment that I keep referring to. When the index gets too low, my buzz definitely feels less buzzy. More on that in a minute; I am wordsmithing now and if I get too jumpy, the text might disappear forever. Have you ever been in the Wind River Range in Wyoming? PFC. Earlier today we did a kick ass day hike up to Lake Louise whose waters eventually crash thru some tight gaps down into the Wind River and then into the Bighorn river and on to the Yellowstone. Speaking of, we've decided to stay out of Yellowstone and Teton parks, fearing crowds. Nevertheless, in a couple days we'll pull our home thru Jackson Wyoming and continue on, thru Pocatello and Boise. About that index: I mean producing something or accomplishing something that maybe someone else can appreciate or ...